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Invisalign (clear braces)
Principal dentist Alison Cocks is a certified Invisalign Practitioner and is able to offer Invisalign treatments to both teens and adults alike. Click HERE to be redirected to the Invisalign UK website to find out more about what Invisalign can offer you.
Costs of Invisalign treatments at our practice:
Initial 'chat' (20 mins) with Alison- FREE
Full consultation with ClinCheck (necessary to proceed to Invisalign treatments) - £300
Invisalign i7 (for very minor corrections) - £1200
Invisalign Lite (minor-moderate corrections) - £2200
Invisalign Full (includes the most complex corrections) -£3200
Orthodontic Retainers (available for all patients who want their teeth to stay in position long-term!):
Invisalign Vivera retainers (x3 identical sets of ultra-comfortable and strong clear retainers) - £350
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